“The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin



This week I’m responding to the Weekly Challenge with a bit of grunge, beginning with my opening capture. I created the image by applying some Photoshop color tones to the rusty metal which was part of an old canoe.

Similarly, I applied some grunge textures to the corroded wheel below, which I discovered on one of my many hikes. It was the control valve for a small waterfall that had obviously been locked in place to prevent tampering.



“Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were.”

Black Elk

While out walking with a good friend one afternoon, I came upon a frightening example of bad plumbing sitting at the base of a building on a busy street. I’m sure most of the passersby (and my friend) found it a bit bizarre as I knelt to photograph it, but I thought it might one day be blog-worthy 😊.( One of my favorite things about blogging is how often it makes me think and shoot “outside the box”.)  For the version that follows I used both a texture overlay and some Photoshop color mapping to create the final image.



“Life’s a merry-go-round. Come on up. You might get a brass ring.”

Mae West

Unlike my first three images, the circle below is a capture of one of my favorite pieces of art.  It’s a very heavy, ceramic orb with a square of round rocks in its center and hangs on the wall of my home. It also represents a fond memory of a day spent with good friends at an art show in California. I applied an impressionist filter from Topaz to my original capture for a more artistic feel.



“I never knew what the word round meant until I saw Earth from space.”

Alexey Neonov

Here’s to our beautiful round earth and all of its wonders wherever you find them.


WPC: Rounded






















72 thoughts on “ROUND AND ROUND

  1. These are a lot of fun, Tina, especially the Bad Plumbing one. I think it’s hard to know when to stop with the effects, and you struck a perfect balance – the colors are beautiful, too.

  2. Hi Tina. i fully support your remarks about our beautiful round Earth and my friend which I have not met Alexey Neonov. But it did inspire me to go and read up on the flat Earth society. Apparently Antarctica goes right around the earth :and “holds in the oceans”. Nasa and Google Earth is a conspiracy to promote space flight which did not happen. etc etc and it appears to be intelligent people writing this!

    Now a theory which I will go for is to convince my 15 year old daughter that I have a flat stomach…

    Nice photos and playing (photoshopping and Topaz). And very soon I will broaden my mind, still be believe in a spherical earth but upgrade your playing to what it actually is: art.

    • Thanks very much John – several people have sent me interpretations of that one, noting the presence of the cross and perhaps a baptismal font. Although I didn’t see them when I shot the photo, I do now. Always interesting what the viewer brings to the party!

  3. I’m back after a year away from WP. It’s good to be back and catch up with my favourite bloggers. So have come over for a photo fix and you certainly haven’t disappointed me Tina, these are all works of art and I love the enhancements. Thank you for telling us how you enhanced the rustic look and what programs you used

  4. Pingback: Rounded: Stones – What's (in) the picture?

  5. Love the grunge look. These are the types of things I take photos of as well and I may have to experiment with a bit of similar editing, although I only have Picasa and some apps on my iPad.


    • I started with Picasa many moons ago Janet – I think they’ve actually just announced that they’re stopping its development. I highly recommend Lightroom, which when combined with Topaz can create some amazing effects. Keep playing, you’ll find you can really experiment with some interesting options!

  6. Pingback: WPC: Well Rounded | Lillie-Put

  7. As Dina said, it is always a delight to see what you come up with for the challenge. I love capturing odd things too, and you are dead right about seeing things differently for the blogging world! Love your textures, it’s nice to see them again and I was only thinking the other day that I haven’t used any textures or layering for ages. Funny how we go through phases.

  8. It’s always fascinating to see what you are doing with your photos, Tina. It doesn’t end when the picture is in the box, now the fun starts and the are so many ways to do it! 🙂 Great collection as always. Have a great weekend. x

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