Lens-Artists Challenge #261 – Work in Progress

artists, art, work, collage
Art in Progress

“The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality.”

T.S. Eliot

I must admit I love Ann-Christine’s challenge this week. As I considered my response I kept coming back to two things – art and food. Those endeavors were to me the “work” with which I am most familiar, and from which most of my favorite things develop 😊. After choosing my focus it was apparent that both are objects of my attention as I had many images in each category. I decided to fall back on using collages to share some of my favorites. Above, I’ve included artists of many kinds tending to works in progress, while below I’ve featured chefs and others working on food in process.

chef, food, cooking

“Beauty, picturesqueness, and all loveliness are the food of art.”

Henry Peach Robinson

Beyond progress on artistic or edible efforts, I’m sharing two additional images. In the first, below, I’ve included a pair of egrets preparing their spring nest for the arrival of chicks – definitely a work in progress!

egrets, mating, spring, nesting
Egret Nest in Progress

“What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress?”

Thomas Crum

I’ve shared the image above and the one below previously – both are personal favorites. The capture that follows is one of very few times I’ve asked a stranger if I could take their photograph. The obvious strength in his hands and forearms tells us he’s had more than a few works in progress.

hands, dust, saw, construction, worker
Work in Progress

“A work-in-progress generates its own energy field. You, the artist or entrepreneur, are pouring love into the work.”

Steven Pressfield

Thanks to Ann-Christine for a wonderful challenge. We hope you’ll join us with your own thoughts on the subject. Please remember to link your response to Ann-Christine’s post, and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to appear in our reader section. Thanks also to Janet for leading us last week with her Overlooked challenge, and to all those who responded. It was amazing how varied and creative your responses were. Amy will lead us next week so be sure to check out her beautiful Share and Connect site next Saturday at noon EST. Until then, please stay safe, be kind and enjoy the journey.

Looking for more information on joining our challenge? Click here.

94 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #261 – Work in Progress

  1. I love this post….your fun ‘works’ in progress!! Life sure does seem to be a work in progress like the egret’s nest…sweet!!

  2. Tina, your photos are amazing. I love your approach to the prompts. My camera is missing me lately. We’ve been sort of on a break since earlier this year. I was doing 52Frames, but got too busy for the weekly prompt. Sigh…I miss it. Your photos are inspiring me to get back to it.

  3. A great post, Tina, and you know I really love your image of the egrets – beautifully done!! Hope it is hanging on your wall at home. I enjoyed looking at your collages, you are a master at designing them.

  4. This is a wonderful interpretation of the challenge, Tina. You were very creative with work in progress, and the quotes go very well with your photos. I like how in the food-cooking collage that there are three people smiling – shows that they are in their element and enjoying what they do. I remember seeing that last sepia-tone photo previously on your blog and glad you decided to share it again. You really captured the moment there with the puff of dust that so often comes with work like this. Fantastic photography from you. I hope summer has been going well for you, Tina, and all is well 😊

  5. Beautiful images Tina, all of them, and the way you captured the egrets building their nest is truly magical! 💖

  6. I have to say that egret photo is probably one of the best bird photos I’ve ever seen. I love everything about it, the simplicity, the nearly monochrome feel, the subject and composition. It’s poetry.
    I always like your collages, Tina, they work so well in giving us an idea of group. Wonderful post.

  7. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #261 – Work in Progress | thechangingpalette

  8. An extinction of personality. What a great quote to explain both art and the progress the comes with it. I liked your feature collage that share so many types of work in progress, and like you, that last photo is a favorite. The muscles, hands, tools, and working space say so much about both him and a work in progress.

    • Many thanks Donna. Yes the quote seemed especially appropriate for the artists I thought. Glad you mentioned the closing image, that’s a great memory for me. I don’t usually ask permission and he looks so tough but couldn’t have been nicer.

  9. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-261-Works-In-Progresss – WoollyMuses

  10. I agree with so many others – art and food are perfect – and that shows in your perfect images! My favourites are the last two. The egret nesting and the man cutting wood – skill and strength together in beauty.

  11. Cooks at work! That’s a great interpretation. I wish I’d thought of that. Maybe I’ve seen that wonderful photo of egrets building a nest, but it is such a great photo that I wouldn’t mind it on my wall to look at every day.

  12. Excellent choices–art and food, Tina!! I love the Egret Nest in Progress, beautifully captured, so perfect for this theme. And the last image is remarkable, it has stories behind.

  13. I love this challenge, too. What an original topic. Great photos. Building the nest is the most creative approach to the challenge. All of these, though, are so interesting. To see people create is fascinating. I also like the man cutting the block of wood. Nice post, Tina!

  14. Such a wonderful photo challenge Tina and your photos are perfect. I feel I should be responding as I could fill a small book with my photos from the studio. Sending you warmest wishes as always…A ❤️

  15. Beautiful choices, especially in those last two images, Tina! Those hands and arms in the final image tell a strong story, but the many images of artists and chefs are equally strong in meeting the theme challenge.

  16. The last one is definitely an example for saving the best for the end, Tina. Especially the sepia tone is well chosen to support the subject 👍 .
    But, you’re also right with the painters. I didn’t come up with that idea. 😊

  17. Great response to the challenge. Tina. I thought it interesting how all the artists are focussed on their work, while many of the cooks could look up and smile. I like the idea of collages – looking good!

    • You are most kind Margaret!! Actually none of the three. In mating season at Magnolia Gardens there are probably 30ish egret pairs building their nests at one time. There are trees in the water which are very tall and the male birds fly back and forth with their twigs to their mates continually. I had a superb zoom lens and a good camera for my outing to capture them and this was one of my favorite images from the day. I will admit the lens was quite heavy and I was exhausted and sore after a few hours of shooting!!

  18. Art and food, are both great subjects for Work In Progress, especially when photographed so well. I also liked the nest building egrets. Great examples for this challenge Tina!

    • Thanks very much Eschudel – I’m not usually comfortable capturing people but for some reason the chefs seemed to enjoy the attention (except Mr. NoPhotography of course LOL) and the artists are so hard at work they barely notice you’re there!

    • Thanks Brian – they are so beautiful in flight. I love to watch the males flying down to capture the twigs and then back up to add to the nest. It’s a symphony in motion

  19. Excellent shots for the theme, Tina! Seeing people working with smiles on their faces sure is refreshing! I have always adored seeing those two pics of the nesting egrets and the man using the saw! Your post inspired me to add something for Wordless Wednesday this week 🙂

  20. Ah. Masterful, as always. The egrets are priceless, and the veined arms and hands also. The watch looks a little dusty! I LOVE the smiling cooks. I want to eat where THEY are cooking! 👏👏👏

    • Thanks as always John. The egrets are among my favorite subjects and the worker was terrific. The happiest chef was actually one of our favorite spots but sadly he closed the location near us and now is only downtown.

  21. I’d like to think everything is a ‘work-in-progress.’ Those completed projects are completed for the moment. My wife is a great cook, always experimenting in the kitchen with new dishes, old standbys, and table favorites. She made a white marinara once for seafood, not appealing to the eye. But, once you tasted, it became one of our table favorites. She doesn’t make it often since it is prep intensive and nearly an all-day simmer. We had to sell it to our kids. They got around to liking it, kinda.

  22. Can’t imagine how much time it takes you to do these posts! You have an incredible inventory of wonderful photos! As usual, my favorite is the wildlife – spectacular photo of the egrets!!!

  23. Thanks….and interesting topic….How about some pictures of people not doing anything, since we are ALL just a work in progress. Sometimes I just sit on my back porch and contemplate how I will live the rest of my life. If I took a picture of that, how many people would categorize that photo as representing a work in progress?

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