Lens-Artists Challenge #264 – Primary Colors

Toucan, bird, colorful
Colorful Toucan

“Why would anyone want to photograph an indisputably colorful world in monochrome?”

Russell Miller

This week Sofia offers us an opportunity to explore the beauty of primary colors. Accepting that red, blue and yellow are the true primary colors, I’ve challenged myself to include only images that include all three. Mother Nature offers us a marvelous example with the colorful Toucan image above. On the other hand, the bright colors of La Boca in Buenos Aires shown below are clearly the work of a creative (and fun-loving) architect.

LaBoca, Buenos Aires, fun, colorful
La Boca Fun, Buenos Aires

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.”

Pablo Picasso

From South America all the way back to the beach here on Kiawah, I came upon this scene during my daily walk right after I saw Sofia’s challenge. Timing is everything!

umbrellas, beach, colorful
Colorful Kiawah Scene

“I believe in the photographer’s magic – the ability to stir the soul with light and shape and color.”

Amy Nasser

Back on the road, I’m including an image from our visit to Central Europe where we were amazed at the number of different shades of red hair we came across 🙂! But speaking of red, the bucket along with the flowers and the woman’s jacket provided an excellent scene for today’s challenge.

flowers, primary colors, red, blue, yellow
Perfect Purveyor

“You can say things with color that can’t be said in black and white.”

Edward Weston

Another image offering a good fit for the challenge comes from our visit to the rice fields of China’s Longsheng. These lovely ladies were posing for a souvenir photo with a local photographer. Happily, my lens was loaded and ready to take advantage of the moment. I’m happy to have an opportunity to showcase their finery.

costume, colorful, rice fields, China. crowns
Longsheng Ladies, China

Colour plays itself out along a richer band of feelings: more wavelengths, more radiance, more sensation.”

Joey Meyerowitz

Once we start thinking about colors we see them everywhere. As we travel we are more attuned to our surroundings, noticing things to which we wouldn’t give a second glance in our everyday lives. All of the elements of the collage I’ve created below were captured during our travels. The beach scene included earlier was only captured because I knew there was a color blogging challenge. IMHO, the beauty of travel, as well as of blogging, is that it makes us both notice and capture the interesting minute of everyday life.

umbrellas, colorful, bakery, dragon, arrows, collage
Collage of Colors

“Working in color is an additional ingredient in the juggling act of making an interesting photograph.”

Jeff Mermelstein

I’ll close with two very different artists’ explorations of color. The first is a beautiful painting I photographed in an art gallery in Israel, and the second a huge example of wall art from NYC’s World Trade Center.

painting, primary colors, red, yellow blue, art
Impression of Primary Colors

“It’s that lyricism, that mystery of color itself, that’s my signature.”

Marie Cosines
wall art, primary colors, WTC, New York
Wall Art, NYC

“There’s only one rule in photography – never develop color film in chicken noodle soup.”

Freeman Patterson

As you may have guessed, I had some fun with this week’s challenge, so sincere thanks to Sofia for that. We hope you’ll join us this week. Be sure to link your responses to Sofia’s stunning original here, and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to appear in our reader section. Thanks also to John for last week’s “Faces in a Crowd” challenge. It was interesting to see how many different interpretations were offered in your responses. Finally, we hope you’ll join us next week when Anne leads the challenge on her Slow Shutter Speed site. Until then, as always please stay safe, be kind, and enjoy the journey.

Looking for more information on joining our challenge? Click here.

131 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #264 – Primary Colors

  1. Your post is an exuberant riot of colour! I love it so much.
    I found you through Marsha’s WQ post and enjoyed poring over your lovely images. My favourites are the smiling faces of the Longsheng Ladies & the Impression of Fall (from the Israeli gallery)

  2. Pingback: WQ #36: Living by the Positive Glow of Orange – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

  3. Pingback: Late! Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #264: Primary Colors – Calling-all-RushBabes

  4. What an amazing approach to the primary colors challenge. La Boca in Buenos Aires is perfect for this, but the toucan is, too. My favorite is the impressionist path between the trees. Artful image.

  5. Colors do make our world, Tina, and you’ve captured the spirit of the primary colors well ~ I especially liked the La Boca Fun street art of Buenos Aires. For the past decade or so, I have been captured by the spirit of street art and how it can capture and even create a great mood for the surrounding environment. Also, this shot is another reminder I need to visit Argentina 🙂 My favorite photo, though, is the one of your “Perfect Purveyor.” It has such a great feel. Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

    • Good morning and thanks Randall. I remember making that purveyor image because I was so enthralled with the number of women who for some reason had chosen that hair color! In hindsight I should have photographed more of them and made a study of the look. It’s something I’ve never seen here in the US. That one seems to have been a favorite this week. As for LaBoca, it has a feel all its own that I’ve never seen anywhere else. It impossible not to be cheerful there!

  6. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-264-Primary-Colours – WoollyMuses

  7. lovely and inspiring photos, Tina! I have only realized that there is this thing called the Lens-Artists Challenge, haha… I need to spend more time in my Reader tab, obviously! So much inspirations! Am going to hop on the bandwagon and post something for the challenge, too. Thank you for sharing ❤

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