Lens-Artists Challenge #164 – Looking Up/Down

Tiger Leaping Gorge, China, steps, waterfall, bridge
Looking Up AND Down, Tiger Leaping Gorge

“The most interesting points of view for contemporary photography are looking down from high up or up from down low.”

Alexander Rodchenko

We are excited to welcome Sofia Alves of Photographias as our host this week, along with her interesting “Looking Up/Down challenge. In response, I’ve revisited some of my favorite images from our travels, including the image above from Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan, China. Renowned for its incredibly beautiful hike, we chose instead to descend and then climb the 1,000 steps from top to bottom. One of the worlds deepest gorges, it soars 12,000+ feet from river to mountain top.

Chinese, script, paint, sidewalk
Looking Down to Write

“You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.”

Charlie Chaplin

Also in China, we were mesmerized by a group of Chinese men artfully painting script on large pavement blocks in a local park. It was very much like a dance as we watched them paint so rhythmically. If only we’d known what the symbols meant. I’ve left the painter’s toe in the image to illustrate the size and complexity of their work.

South America, vineyard, window, crow
Looking Down – A Bird’s Eye View

“Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up.”

Leonardo da Vinci

From China we move to South America where a very observant bird caught my attention as I looked through the rather dirty window across the vineyards to the snow-capped Andes Mountains beyond. The wine was every bit as amazing as the view.

eagle, sea
Looking Down at the Sea, Baha’i Gardens

“Look up at the sky. There is light, a beauty up there that no shadow can touch.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

This watchful stone eagle can be found surveying the grounds of the renowned Hanging Gardens of the Baha’i in Haifa, Israel. At the center bottom of the image you can see a glimpse of the gold-domed Shrine of the Bab, the founder of the religion. 1500 steps carry visitors along the 19 beautiful terraces which look down toward the port of Haifa.

windows, clay figures
Looking Up in Tel Aviv

“It’s all a great mystery….Look up at the sky and you’ll see how everything changes.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In Tel Aviv, I looked up as we were walking along scenic Rothschild Boulevard admiring the many Bauhaus buildings. Imagine my surprise when I saw these quaint characters adorning one of the home’s window ledges as we passed by. I found them so unique and sweet I simply had to capture the scene.

church, holy spirit
Looking up to the Holy Spirit

“There is always a reason to look up.”

Adrienne Posey

In Jaffa, Israel, we looked up at the beauty of this sculpture high above the altar at Saint Peter’s Church. Originally built during the 13th Century, it was later destroyed and finally rebuilt in the 1800s. It commemorates Saint Peter’s raising of Tabitha, one of Jesus’ disciples, from the dead.

Looking Down at Sunspots, Scottsdale, AZ

“Greatness does not approach him who is forever looking down.”


Finally, an interesting pattern I noticed while strolling along a street in downtown Scottsdale, Arizona. I may be wrong but for some reason I believe this was an Apple store. Right or wrong, I found the sunlight playing through the overhead roof made for an interesting image. Can’t you just imagine a few young children hopscotching along the spots to their hearts’ content?!

Sincere thanks to Sofia for joining us as host and for her very interesting challenge. Be sure to link your responses to her original post here, and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to help us all find you. Thank you also for your fun responses to last week’s Keep Walking challenge. If ever we needed inspiration to get moving, your responses gave us an extra bit of motivation. Finally, we hope you’ll join us next week when Patti leads us once again on her Pilotfish blog. Until then, please stay safe and be kind.

123 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #164 – Looking Up/Down

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #164 – Looking Up/Down – A.J"s WORLD THINGS.

  2. All great examples, and i didn’t realize until now I hadn’t written my comments! Glorious shots and great places. I love that first photo of Tiger Leaping Gorge – and all those steps. I would not have made it.

      • I know about the conquering feeling – understand it perfectly well! And I have, unfortunately, developed a way of reading posts on the phone, and then finding out later i never really posted the comment. I seldom comment on my phone – only on my PC. But I am quite aware of it by now…

  3. Hi Tina

    I liked this week’s challenge so much I decided to participate again – I hope that’s ok! Your photos are striking and the bridge at the Tiger Leaping Gorge is especially so. That must have been an awesome trip for you. Your posts always have such meaningful comments, like this one “It’s all a great mystery….Look up at the sky and you’ll see how everything changes.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Now that I’ve had the eye surgery, I’m able to read them much more easily and appreciate them more.

    Here’s my offering, with what else? Photos of a Great Blue Heron…and me:

    Here’s Looking at You Blue Heron

    Best, Babsje

  4. Pingback: Here’s Looking at You Blue Heron | Babsje Heron

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