Signs of Fall-WPC / Travel Theme-Bountiful

“Signs may be but the sympathies of nature with man.”

Charlotte Bronte

(5 photos)



This week Cheri has challenged us to share some “signs” while Ailsa has asked us to address “bountiful”. Over the years I have made many a photograph of interesting, funny, clever and even beautiful signs. But I’ve posted several times on the subject, for example here and here. So instead I’ve decided to illustrate some “signs” of the arrival of autumn’s “bounty” here on Kiawah.

First up, our iconic pinkish–purple sweetgrass. Each spring dry sweetgrass bushes are cut back so that they can once again grow green for the season. In fall that green becomes a delicate pinkish purple which lasts for about two months. It is beautiful to look at, especially when it borders the fall colors of our marshes. While our friends in New England and other parts north delight in their red and gold leaves (which I must admit is one of the few things I miss about living in the north), here in the south we celebrate fall with pink. As an added bonus, there is no need for leaf raking once fall has shed her glorious coat of colors.



“Not everything is a sign, some things simply are what they appear to be.”

Diane Schoemperlen

Another sign of fall here in the south is the arrival of our beloved shrimp boats. This of course also signals the availability of the freshest, most delicious white shrimp you’ve ever tasted. 😄 We humans aren’t the only ones who await the boats’ arrival. Below we see some clever birds awaiting the bounty to be found in the shrimpers’ nets. I’ve treated both of these shots using Nik’s Silver Efex Pro 2. I was going for an antique look in the first, and a ghostly feeling in the second. Sadly, I’ve tried to portray shrimping as a dying art – impacted by an aging fleet, the rising cost of fuel and ever-increasing competition from low-cost suppliers delivering lesser-quality foreign products.



“Success is not a stop sign.”

Robert Kiyosaki

While at the beach shooting the shrimpers, I turned to see the beautiful golden dune grasses gently bending in the breeze. Although the grasses are with us year round, in the fall their color becomes even more golden as the sun begins to set further to the west.



“Life is one big road with lots of signs.”

Bob Marley

Yet another sign that fall is upon us – the many families who share our beach during the summer season have left to return to real life and schoolwork. Below, their lonely sea kayaks are stored sadly under one of our many beachwalks. Although we miss their laughter and the joy of their play, we also appreciate the return of peace and quiet as we stroll happily along our now mostly-deserted shores.



“Words are but the signs of ideas.”

Samuel Johnson

Thank you Cheri and Ailsa for your challenges. To see some other bloggers’ responses click here and here .

98 thoughts on “Signs of Fall-WPC / Travel Theme-Bountiful

  1. Pingback: Coffee Break | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  2. Seems this week I’m seeing many monochrome photos from various bloggers and I love it. Of course I generally post in monochrome so it’s close to my heart. I really am found of the second monochrome image, it’s done just right and you have captured exactly what you were after.

  3. Pingback: Signs | Blogged With Words

  4. Really enjoyed this slice of Carolina today! ahhhh – and for me – well I miss seeing the Aspens in Colorado – in the fall they are spectacular – and I did not know about the pink sweetgrass – and your photo of them was even better wight he tri level depth that pulls ya in – the classic fall foliage behind and then those towering trees – that slightly graduate off to the left – bring our eye to the soft layers of clouds in the sky.
    But if you thought that was my favorite – it was not – it was the second photo that was…. what a photo. The verticals of the seagrass allow the viewer to feel as if we are looking in – and not sure how you managed to grab this shot where the opening of the sea grass is just a little lower below the boat – almost like a hand reaching out to us saying, come in.

    then the boat is off to the left and all of their working lines and mast provides line that give us some harmony with the vertical lines in the foreground – and the calm water – and then that effect – and well, I guess here is where the experience comes in – the caption reads “HEADING HOME” which is followed by: “Not everything is a sign, some things simply are what they appear to be.”
    and that is where I paused – and soaked it up. I enjoyed the rest of the post, and felt a little beat with the Marley quote – and had to just take a second to let you know – have a nice week 🙂

    • YP, you have made my week and then some. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and your appreciation of my efforts. I know you know how much it means. Have a wonderful week!!😍

      • Hi T – well that feels so nice to hear 🙂 – and as a matter of fact I just told a blogger friend something similar recently – and so yeah, I know exactly what you mean. And with here, well she had left a comment – which was just a short little one – but the timing and the wording was just spot on – and I was out and about and it came in on my phone –

        anyhow, with your work – well I guess you can tell I admire your work. I also think it is cool how you find your way to meet newbies in the blog world while keeping up with your other blog-o-connections too –
        have a nice day….

  5. Exceptional collection, Tina – of photos as well as the quotes! Somehow “Heading Home” was the most powerful for me – difficult to explain why…the mood, sepia, the composition…all just “clicked” with me. 🙂

  6. Beautiful interpretation of the two themes. The sweetgrass pic is gorgeous & you did capture the antique look with the first shrimp boat shot, I love it. What a pity the industry is on the way out. A sad sign of what’s happening to our oceans.

    • Thanks Maamej- yes, the cost of shrimping is pretty much driving them out of business. Our shrimp species are also shifting-a harbinger of changing ocean temps. One wonders what the future will look like although here on Kiawah our waters are so-far-so-good. 😍

  7. You’re getting some pretty color with the grasses! How lovely!
    When I lived out west, we didn’t have much seasonal change (Northern Idaho = not many deciduous trees), but the underbrush was beautiful, like your grasses.
    Enjoy your tourist free time (or rather, fewer tourists!).

  8. My first thought when I saw signs was signs of fall too. I really miss fall since here the leaves never change beautiful colours. Some stay all year and some turn brown and drop… not the same vibrant yellow, orange and reds I am used to.

  9. Tina, I’m not normally of a fan of doing more than one challenge at a time, but you carried it off with photographic aplomb. I especially like the second photo. I understand that sweet grass can be made into beautiful baskets. I’m sure you’re enjoying having the island back as well.


    • Thanks Janet – I try not to do it too often but appreciate your indulgence 😄. yes the pinkish sweetgrass becomes a very pretty beige color as it dries out and there is a local culture left here in SC from slave days know as the Gullah people. They have been making sweetgrass baskets forever – there are even some in the Smithsonian. They cost a fortune because it takes so long to make one, and you often see them in the markets working on a basket as they’re selling the ones they’ve already made.

  10. Beautiful pictures and quotes, Tina. However, the beached kayaks bring a little excitement to my heart, since later this month I’ll be in Florida and (hopefully) kayaking in the Gulf of Mexico (weather permitting). Thanks for sharing the “signs of fall”…a little different and creative combination of challenges.

    • Thanks Jo! The shrimp boat was a tough one as there aren’t many gaps in the grasses big enough to allow the whole boat to show 😄 As for our sweetgrass, it’s so short-lived that we really treasure its color while it’s with us!

  11. Very nice series, Tina.
    But I really love the pink shades of the Sweetgrass on the Marsh.
    I must admit I love the beach when it’s deserted (more than crowded with visitors).

    • Thanks Vicki – I too am partial to the deserted beach. I just love the peace and quiet, and it’s so very beautiful when you have it all to yourself. Fortunately for us, the vast majority of our visitors are here during the summer, so we get 3 seasons to have it all to ourselves 😄

  12. Always beautiful photos, but the quotes are especially appropriate. Love that pinkish purple sweetgrass — indigenous to your area, I suppose, but possibly at other beaches nearby. Haven’t ever seen it that I know of.

    • Thanks Liz – I must admit I don’t know what candifloss is! Is it what we call cotton candy?? If so then yes, I agree, it does look a bit like that, altho I never thought of it before you mentioned it!!😄

    • Thanks Seonaid. I don’t often use artistic post-processing but I thought the shrimper shots called for some “ghostly” treatment 😄 Interesting how autumn is so different across the country but still evokes powerful feelings no matter where you’re experiencing it. It truly is a beautiful time of year.

  13. You are a role model to us, Tina. Giving us new perspectives on seeing and life in general, combined with beautiful photography and philosophical thoughts. Your interpretation of signs in nature and around us puts a big smile on our faces and fills our hearts.

    Oh dear, our two 👭 Bookfayries want a word too;
    “Smashing post, just to our liking, Tina!” 💫🌟✨💫Fayriedust from Siri and Selma …

    • Well Dina, I must say your comment (along with the Fayriedust) made my week! Since yours is a blog I really admire, enjoy, and often learn from, to credit me with being a role model is that much more special. thanks so much to all of you 😍

  14. Mmmm, I think I have told you how much I enjoy reading Patrick Conroy, so these photos seems to be pieces from my dreams I had when reading his stories… Beautiful series, beautiful work. Sitting back all day right in the middle of the first one would be quite nice 🙂

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